This event will include:

  • Reflections on sector progress/challenges
  • The University of Sheffield’s ‘Taking space, Peer groups for BAME students’ example of practice
  • Overview of project and Hub, including key findings
  • Interactive session: Introduction to evaluating student mental health interventions


  • John De Pury, Senior Advisor and Consultant in Health & Education (previously Assistant Director Policy, Universities UK)
  • Dr Helen Lawson, Research Programmes Manager, TASO
  • Tatjana Damjanovic, Research Officer, TASO
  • Ronald Mutambirwa, Specialist Mental Health Practitioner and Project Lead, The University of Sheffield
  • Angela Barrows, Psychotherapist, The University of Sheffield
    The Student Mental Health Evidence Hub
13:45Arrive - refreshments

What will be covered

Introduction to the student mental health context
14:10Sheffield example of practice:

Overview of intervention

Intervention approach / resources required

Intervention evaluation

Recommendations / next steps

Audience Q&A
14:30Overview of project:

Key findings from literature review; best available evidence

Overview of hub itself and key elements

How you can get involved

Audience Q&A
15:15Interactive workshop on evaluating student mental health interventions:

Using evidence for developing evaluation

Developing ToCs

Core Theory of Change of an example mental health intervention.

Final discussion and QA
16:15Wrap up and close