
TASO is seeking to appoint an external supplier to develop evaluation guidance and resources to support the higher education (HE) sector in conducting more rigorous implementation and process evaluation (IPE). The project will run from October 2023 to March 2024.


TASO’s objective for this project is to develop and publish a framework and guidance for conducting IPE in HE. The aims are:

  • To support the HE sector to better understand and conduct IPE.
  • To review the existing IPE guidance used across the What Works Network and other similar organisations.
  • To encourage practitioners and evaluators in the HE sector to conduct IPE using the framework and guidance developed via this project.

TASO are commissioning a supplier to conduct the following three-phase project:

Phase one: Review existing literature and resources 

  • Conduct a desk-based review of:
  1. IPE literature, including relevant theory-based methods, mixed-methods and reporting standards (e.g., the Education Endowment Foundation’s introductory handbook).
  2. Existing quality assurance frameworks used to assess the rigour of the qualitative methodologies commonly used to conduct IPE (TASO can signpost the successful supplier to examples of quality assurance frameworks used by other What Works Centres).
  3. The types of IPE frameworks, tools and guidance that already exist across the What Works Network and other similar organisations (e.g., the Education Endowment Foundation’s guidance).
  • Map the commonalities and differences of existing guidance, including how IPE interlinks with Theory of Change, IE and economic evaluation methodologies.
  • Produce a report summarising the existing literature and guidance. At this point, the supplier will meet with TASO to decide on the scope of phase two.

Phase two: Develop and design the guidance

  • Develop a framework for conducting IPE that can be applied across a wide range of intervention types in the HE context.
  • TASO are flexible about the final elements to be included in the framework (pending findings from phase one) but would like it to include common IPE dimensions: fidelity/adherence; adaption; dosage; quality; reach; responsiveness; programme differentiation; monitoring of a control/comparison group; perceived impact; context/moderators; and mediations.
  • Develop accompanying guidance to support the implementation of the framework, including:
  • An overview of IPE and how it is used to aid robust evaluation of student access and success interventions and programmes.
  • A step-by-step guide to planning and conducting IPE using the framework. To include:
  1. How IPE interlinks with Theory of Change, IE and economic evaluation.
  2. Consideration of different data collection methodologies, their strengths/weaknesses and when to use them: interviews; focus groups; observations; questionnaire scales; and asynchronous diary notes.
  3. How to report on the findings from IPE studies.

Phase three: Consult stakeholders and iterate the guidance

  • The draft guidance produced in phase two will be shared with TASO’s Evaluation Advisory Group (EAG) and Research and Evaluation Committee (R&EC) for comment and feedback.
  • TASO convenes these two groups once a quarter and is open to suggestions for how best to consult the members. For example, via a survey, by sharing draft documents and requesting annotations, or by requesting verbal feedback during a meeting.
  • The framework and accompanying guidance is to be iterated and updated based on feedback from the relevant stakeholders.

How to apply

To find out more about the project and details on how to apply read the full invitation to tender document (ITT) below.
Download the full invitation to tender (ITT)

The deadline for applications to take part in this project is 10am on Monday 23 October 2023. If you have any questions you can get in touch with us over email via research@taso.org.uk.

Document accessibility: TASO is committed to making all documents accessible for all audiences. If you have any difficulty accessing the links or documents, or need these resources in another format, please email info@taso.org.uk.