Evidence submission: Children’s social care

January 2024

TASO’s “Children’s social care” submission to the House of Commons Education Select Committee examines the impact of social care on educational outcomes for care-experienced learners in the UK. It highlights their underrepresentation in higher education (HE) and poorer outcomes compared to their peers.

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The evidence in this submission is drawn from key TASO report:

Evidence submission: Skills 2030

November 2023

TASO’s “Skills 2030: A World-Class Skills System” inquiry submission to the Policy Connect and Skills Commission emphasises the need for lifelong learning to adapt to economic and personal changes, highlighting challenges for mature learners due to funding changes and the lack of tailored educational environments.

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The evidence in this submission is drawn from key TASO reports:

Evidence submission: The transition from education to employment for young disabled people

September 2023

TASO’s “Transition from education to employment for young disabled people” submission to the House of Lords Public Services Committee focuses on the transition from education to employment for young disabled people. It outlines the barriers faced by disabled students, such as higher dropout rates, lower employment outcomes, and challenges in disclosing disabilities.

Read the submission

The evidence in this submission is drawn from two key TASO reports: