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12 June 202314:00-15:30

Exploring approaches to addressing the ethnicity degree awarding gap

Webinar: Zoom
Join us as at the launch of our new report which explores current approaches aimed at tackling the ethnicity degree awarding gap.

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On Monday 12 June we’ll be hosting an online webinar to launch the findings from our recently commissioned project exploring approaches aimed at addressing the ethnicity degree awarding gap in higher education (HE). The project aimed to produce a typology of approaches designed to address this gap, along with a narrative exploring wider issues such as implementation and evaluation.

This gap refers to the notable difference in the proportion of students from marginalised ethnicity backgrounds being awarded a first or upper-second class degree when compared to White students.

What did we do?

We commissioned Staffordshire University to carry out the project, which involved three distinct phases:

What will the event involve:

Who should attend?

The event is open to anyone interested, however, is particularly relevant to:

This project has followed on from previous work on the topic evaluating curriculum reform interventions. Findings from this work indicated limited success of these approaches, but also that the interventions were implemented inconsistently. Based on these findings, TASO commissioned this research to map and better understand the different approaches being undertaken by the sector to close the degree awarding gap.

Speaker list: