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7 November 202311:00-12:00

Launch: TASO’s Mapping Outcomes and Activities Tool (MOAT)

Online: Zoom

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On Tuesday 7 November we will be hosting a webinar to launch the Mapping Outcomes and Activities Tool (MOAT), a practical evaluation resource designed to enable robust evaluation of interventions. It will assist practitioners and evaluators to consistently label and record the outcomes and activities delivered as part of  widening participation outreach.

The MOAT visually maps the relationship between outreach activity types (e.g., mentoring), the sub-activity types nested beneath (e.g., peer-to-peer mentoring) and the outcomes that are associated with these activities (e.g., increased knowledge of higher education).
The pre-entry MOAT was initially launched alongside the evaluating multi-intervention outreach and mentoring programmes report in May 2023. Since then, we’ve expanded the resource to include the new attainment-raising MOAT, supporting the sector to evaluate attainment-raising interventions.

This event will focus on the practical applications of both the pre-entry MOAT and the attainment-raising MOAT to aid your evaluation work.

We will be joined by representatives of the higher education (HE) national trackers to illustrate how the MOAT is being integrated to their platforms to be used by their members:

The event will take the following format:

Who is this event for?