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22 February 202414:00-15:30

Understanding the student experience – evaluating interventions prompted by learning analytics

Online: Zoom

Book now

Join us on Thursday 22 February, for an  online event where we will present the findings of our  report on understanding the student experience and evaluating learning analytics in higher education (HE). This report explores research conducted by Nottingham Trent University (NTU) and Sheffield Hallam University (SHU) investigating the impact of learning analytics interventions on student engagement and success.

What did we do?

TASO appointed Nottingham Trent University and Sheffield Hallam University to evaluate the effectiveness of interventions prompted by learning analytics programmes through two randomised controlled trials. The Behavioural Insights was the independent evaluator for the work.

During this event, TASO and partners will run you through the project, its findings and key considerations for future evaluation plans.

What will the event involve:

Who should attend?

The event is open to anyone interested, however, is particularly relevant to:

Date and time: Thursday 22 February 14:00 – 15:30
Location: Webinar (Online)