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Approach to research

TASO’s approach research is pragmatic. We embrace the wide range of research and evaluation methods used in the higher education sector to understand equality gaps and how to reduce them.


TASO’s aim is to develop more robust, causal evidence about widening access and improving student outcomes in higher education. This means that we want to develop a better understanding of which activities cause better outcomes for students from disadvantaged and underrepresented groups.

While every higher education provider is unique, many face common goals or challenges in their work to reduce equality gaps.

The design of any research project will depend on a variety of factors, including the research question and theory of change. TASO’s focus on developing more causal evidence about what works to reduce equality gaps in higher education influences our choice of research methods:

Impact evaluations using RCTs and QEDs are most meaningful when supplemented by an implementation and process evaluation (IPE).

How: a three-phase structure

TASO’s research and evaluation cycle for each of our themes follows a 3-phase structure.