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News23 January 2020

Call for partners: Evaluation of multi-intervention outreach programmes and mentoring

TASO is seeking expressions of interest from higher education providers to help establish the best ways to evaluate multi-intervention outreach programmes (which combine multiple activities or approaches) and mentoring

TASO is seeking expressions of interest from higher education providers to help establish the best ways to evaluate multi-intervention outreach programmes (which combine multiple activities or approaches) and mentoring. The project will take place with two or three providers between March 2020 and September 2021. Providers can apply for a grant of up to £55,000 to enable them to engage a research assistant to lead on the project as well as to cover any expenses incurred for the purpose of the evaluation. For both multi-intervention outreach programmes and mentoring schemes, there is there is wide variation in how they are conducted, what components are incorporated, and what the outcomes are. Therefore, the project will involve:

The deadline for applications is Friday 14 February 2020.  Full details on eligibility and the application process are provided in the application form: No longer available as submissions have closed.