The deadline for this has now passed.
TASO is seeking to commission an independent evaluator to work with higher education providers (HEPs) to conduct efficacy pilots for interventions or initiatives that are designed to either:
- Improve employment outcomes for disadvantaged or underrepresented students or;
- Improve outcomes for disabled students in HE throughout the student lifecycle (enrolment, progression, awarding, employment)
The chosen independent evaluator will work with four HEPs (already selected by TASO) to:
1) Develop an evaluation plan and theory of change for each intervention. Evaluators will work with HEPs to develop an evaluation plan and theory of change for the programme/activity being evaluated. We anticipate that evaluations will be in the form of pilot studies and will – at a minimum – support the development of type 2 evidence.
2) Support them in data collection and analysis and produce a report at the end of the project. In line with the pilot methodology, the independent evaluator will play an advisory role to HEPs throughout the data collection period. Data will then be shared with the evaluator who will lead on the analysis and produce an analysis report. HEPs will be responsible for ensuring that the appropriate data protection processes are established and for gaining ethical approval.
3) Produce a report at the end of the project. The independent evaluator will produce a report covering: research aims, methods, analysis, findings, and recommendations on applying type 3 evaluation methods.
How to apply
To find out more about the project and details on how to apply, read the full invitation to tender document (ITT) here.
The deadline for applications to take part in this project is 11.59pm on Monday 12th September. If you have any questions, you can get in touch with Dr Helen Lawson, Research Programmes Manager, at
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