Blog31 March 2021

Laying the foundations: which approaches look promising?
We analysed the relationship between summer schools, campus visits and mentoring and KS4 attainment / HE progression and here’s what we found.Summer schools
- Participation in summer schools is associated with higher KS4 attainment and higher HE progression.
- Taking part in a summer school is associated with an increase in Attainment 8 scores of 2.9 points.[2]
- We estimate that HE progression is 5-14pp higher for those who attended any summer school in our data versus those who did not in. We also estimate that top-third progression is 3-12pp higher for those who attended any summer school versus those who did not.
Campus visits
- Participation in campus visits is associated with higher attainment at KS4, albeit less so than participation in summer schools.
- Taking part in a campus visit is associated with a small increase in Attainment 8 scores of 0.7 points. Differences were greatest for disadvantaged students with low prior attainment.
- Our analysis of mentoring produces mixed results on its association with KS4 attainment and there is a negative association between HE progression outcomes and mentoring.
- One possible reason for this result is that mentoring participants are specifically chosen because they face particular challenges and barriers in education.
- Therefore, the association between mentoring and less positive outcomes could be due to the type of individuals who take part in these activities, rather than the activities themselves.