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News16 November 2022

New partners to pilot impact evaluation with small cohorts

TASO is partnering with six higher education providers (HEPs) to address challenges in evaluating the impact of widening participation and student success activities with small cohorts.

The HEPs will pilot the use of impact evaluation methodologies for assessing initiatives with small cohorts of students – often referred to as ‘small n’ evaluations.

TASO has identified methodologies for use in a wide range of HE settings – including small and specialist providers – to help understand what works.

We’re delighted to be working with the following partners on the project: 

We will work with our partners on the pilot evaluations and build a community of practice to better understand the opportunities and challenges faced when implementing these methodologies.

This project forms part of TASO’s work to help the HE sector develop more ‘causal evidence’. HEPs – particularly small or specialist providers – may face issues when generating causal evidence with smaller cohorts, as existing methods can be difficult to use in such contexts.

For more information on impact evaluation with small cohorts: