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News18 May 2023

New report: Evaluating multi-intervention outreach and mentoring programmes

Report explores the evidence on the impact of multi-intervention outreach and mentoring programmes and how to evaluate these programmes
Mentoring, counselling, coaching

TASO has launched a new report exploring the evidence on the impact of multi-intervention outreach and mentoring programmes and how to evaluate these programmes so we can advance the evidence base and improve practice across the sector.

The project involved a review of the existing evidence and a series of local evaluations, partnering with higher education providers (HEPs) to explore the different ways in which multi-intervention outreach and mentoring programmes could be evaluated. The partners and programmes evaluated were:

King’s College London and Aston University also took part in a collaborative evaluation of online mentoring.

Findings from the project have been used to develop a Mapping Outcomes and Activities Tool (MOAT), which was developed in collaboration with the project partners. The MOAT aims to support the sector in conducting robust and consistent evaluations of multi-intervention programmes, and to improve understanding of how specific elements of multi-intervention outreach and mentoring programmes lead to particular outcomes.

This tool will act as a foundation for TASO’s evaluation of widening participation (WP) activity in our next phase of work.

Key findings and recommendations for the sector:

Access TASO’s Mapping Outcomes and Activities Tool

You can download the reports below: