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News5 December 2023

New report: Learning about evaluation with small cohorts

As part of the ‘Impact evaluation with small cohorts’ project, we published guidance on eight evaluation methodologies suitable for use with small cohorts. Project teams from higher education providers tested four of these evaluation methodologies. 
Small cohorts

Today, we publish the findings of these pilots in a report: ‘Learning about evaluation with small cohorts’, along with the reports, case studies and Theories of Change from the six providers.

TASO’s Impact evaluation with small cohorts project was designed to help higher education providers (HEPs) evaluate interventions with small cohorts of participants, where traditional large-scale quantitative evaluation methods are not suitable.

As part of the ‘Impact evaluation with small cohorts’ project, we published guidance on eight evaluation methodologies suitable for use with small cohorts. Project teams from higher education providers tested four of these evaluation methodologies.

The findings of these pilots are published in ‘Learning about evaluation with small cohorts’, along with the reports, case studies and Theories of Change from the six providers.

An initial consultation found that providers face challenges when evaluating small-cohort interventions. As well as the main challenge – that small cohorts represent inherently small sample sizes, for which large-scale quantitative methods are unsuitable – there were other key issues. These include low response rates, difficulties in isolating the influence of external factors, problems identifying and recruiting target groups, and even uncertainty about how to define the term ‘small’ in the context of cohort size.

The paper also finds that there is potential value in combining different small-cohort and traditional large-scale quantitative or counterfactual impact-evaluation methodologies to produce a broader and richer range of evaluation outcomes.

Testing methodologies: project team reflections and learnings

Six project teams representing different HEPs tested four evaluation methodologies: Realist Evaluation, Contribution Analysis, Most Significant Change (Transformative Evaluation) and Qualitative Comparative Analysis.

The pilot project teams identified a series of challenges that arose during the implementation of these methodologies. These included:

The team also identified several benefits and learnings. These included:


The report makes several recommendations about evaluation methodologies for small-cohort evaluation. These include: