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News11 June 2023

New report: addressing the ethnicity degree awarding gap

Report explores approaches to addressing the ethnicity degree awarding gap in higher education
Race and ethnicity

TASO has launched a new report exploring approaches to addressing the ethnicity degree awarding gap (EDAG) in higher education (HE).

Staffordshire University were commissioned to carry out the project, which involved three distinct phases:

Key findings:

In response to the findings, TASO recommends higher education providers:

Based on the findings and recommendations from this report, TASO will be collaborating with six higher education providers, providing them with evaluation support to develop a Theory of Change and evaluation plan for interventions aimed at addressing this gap.

A total of 249 APPs were analysed for this project. Interviews were held with staff from HE providers in England to give important context and an Expert Reference Group provided critical reflection and discussion when developing and refining the findings and recommendations.
Download the full report: Approaches to addressing the ethnicity degree awarding gap
Download the executive summary report: Approaches to addressing the ethnicity degree awarding gap

If you have any questions around the report, or would like the report in another format, you can get in touch with us at