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Invitation to tender5 December 2024

[NOW CLOSED]: Open call – Developing theories of change for whole provider approaches

Applications are open for an open call inviting higher education providers to collaborate on developing a theory of change for their whole provider approach to reducing risks to equality of opportunity in higher education.

Calling higher education providers

Applications are now open for higher education providers to collaborate on developing a theory of change for their whole provider approach to reducing risks to equality of opportunity in higher education.

Higher education providers will receive support from TASO and Professor Liz Thomas, an expert in whole provider approaches, to create theories of change summarising their whole provider approach and its intended impact.

Why participate?

This is an opportunity for higher education providers to:

What’s involved?

Who can apply?

Eligible applicants must:

How to apply

Completed forms should be sent to by 00:00 on Wednesday 8 January 2025.

For questions, join our information session on Tuesday 17 December, or email us at

Information session

We will be hosting a short information session on Tuesday 17 December (10:30 – 11:15). This session would be suitable for people interested in taking part or finding more about the project.