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Invitation to tender25 February 2025

Open call for independent evaluators: Evaluation of activities designed to support student success in higher education (TASO/39)

We are seeking to appoint independent evaluators to work with higher education providers to run randomised controlled trials (RCTs) or quasi-experimental designs (QEDs) to test the impact of student success interventions in higher education.

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The Centre for Transforming Access and Student Outcomes in Higher Education (TASO) is seeking to appoint independent evaluators to work with higher education providers to run randomised controlled trials (RCTs) or quasi-experimental designs (QEDs) and to support with the associated implementation and process evaluations (IPEs) to test the impact of student success interventions in higher education. The length of the project will depend on the interventions being evaluated but could run for one academic year from June 2025, with interim reporting in March 2026 and final reporting in early 2027. This is an open call, and as such both independent evaluators who are and are not on our panel of evaluators are eligible to apply.


TASO aims to improve lives through evidence-based practice in higher education. Our vision is to eliminate equality gaps for disadvantaged and underrepresented groups, allowing all students to have the same chance to enter HE, get a good degree and progress into further study or employment. TASO is an affiliate ‘What Works’ centre and is part of the UK government’s What Works Movement. This means that TASO is committed to the generation, synthesis and dissemination of high-quality evidence about effective practice in widening participation and student success.

In recent years progress has been made in improving the access and participation to higher education of under-represented groups, however less progress has been made in the student success space. While OfS data indicates that students with declared disabilities are matching or outperforming their peers in continuation, attainment and completion, the picture is less rosy elsewhere. Relative to their peers, students who were previously eligible for free school meals have lower continuation rates (6 percentage points lower), completion rates (8 pp) and attainment (12 pp fewer upper-second and first-class degrees). The statistics tell similar stories for students from ethnic minorities and for mature students (OfS access and participation data dashboard, July 2024).

Scope of the evaluation

This project will aim to provide robust causal evidence on the effectiveness of strategies designed to improve student success and narrow equality gaps. TASO is seeking independent evaluators to work with up to two providers each to design and run RCTs or QEDs, to test the impact of activities designed to support student success. We are inviting partner providers to run their own implementation and process evaluation but recognise that is not always possible. If the partner provider chooses to run their own IPE the independent evaluator will support the design of the IPE. If the partner provider chooses not to run their own IPE then the independent evaluator will design and lead the IPE. The exact interventions to be tested is currently being decided via an open commissioning process, and TASO will select partner providers based on factors including feasibility of the intervention for testing and how widespread/scalable the approach is. Interventions that fall in scope for this project include, but are not limited to:


The design of the RCTs or QEDs will be determined by the independent evaluator in discussion with TASO and the participating providers and will depend on the intervention to be evaluated (to be discussed and confirmed as part of the inception and scoping phase). The precise sample would be determined by power calculations conducted by the independent evaluator (e.g. informed by student data from previous years). Due to the timeline of the project, we will be evaluating interventions that are delivered over the autumn term/semester from September to December 2025. The exact student outcomes to be measured will be chosen based on work with partner providers and the interventions which will be tested, but could include:

Requirements for the independent evaluator

 The independent evaluator will work on this project from May 2025 (when appointed) to March 2026 (when interim reports are due) and final reporting in early 2027. The independent evaluator will work directly with (up to two) successful providers and TASO to deliver all elements of the project outlined in this brief.

Ethical approval

Data protection 


Impact evaluation

Implementation and process evaluation

A summary of the envisaged roles and responsibility of TASO and the project partners is given in Table 1.

TASO staff will manage the overall contracts with partner providers and independent evaluators. This will entail a minimum of bi-weekly project meetings for monitoring purposes.

Table 1. Project responsibilities. 

Partner HEPIndependent evaluatorTASO
Overall project/contract managementLead
Collaborative workshopsInputLeadAdvise
Theory of change developmentInputLeadAdvise
Ethical approvalLeadAdviseAdvise
Data sharing agreementAdviseAdviseLead
Impact evaluation design (RCT)InputLeadAdvise
Implementation and process evaluation designLead *LeadAdvise
Evaluation protocol developmentLeadLeadAdvise
Data collection for impact evaluation and implementation and process evaluationLeadAdviseAdvise
Randomisation and data analysis for impact evaluationLeadAdvise
Analysis for implementation and process evaluationLeadAdviseAdvise
Impact evaluation reportingLeadAdvise
Implementation and process evaluation reportingLead *AdviseAdvise
Final reporting (combining impact evaluation and implementation and process evaluation)InputLeadAdvise

1If the provider chooses to conduct the IPE. 


Deliverables will include:

Quality assurance 

Throughout all stages of this evaluation, TASO will seek assurance from both providers and the independent evaluator that the highest quality standards have been met. We expect to see draft copies of all the key deliverables including analytical strategies, data specifications, questionnaires and topic guides, sampling and recruitment plans, qualitative interview transcripts, statistical analysis code (and associated data files), regression tables, and we may examine interim and final reporting outputs. For selected evaluation outputs, we expect to facilitate peer review by external experts, for example to quality assure the evaluation protocol (which should combine impact evaluation and implementation and process evaluation approaches), and will publish (pre-register) in line with Open Science principles.

Project timeline

An indicative timeline for the application process is provided in Table 2, and a tentative project timeline is in Table 3.

Table 2. Application timeline.

Invitation to tenders (ITTs) open25 February 2025
Deadline for submitting ITT related clarification questions21 March 2025
ITTs close13:00 on 27 March 2024
Shortlisting and decision1 – 18 April 2024

Table 3. Tentative project timeline.

Contracting1 – 31 May 2025
Theory of change models developedEnd of August 2025
Evaluation Protocols finalisedEnd of August 2025
Ethics/Data-sharingEnd of August 2025
Data collection startsSeptember 2025
Interim data sharedJanuary 2026
Interim data analysedFebruary 2026
Interim report1March 2026
Final outcome data shared1September – November 2026
Final outcome data analysed1November – December 2026
Final report1January – February 2027
1TASO’s current funding cycle lasts until March 2026. The project will be subject to a break clause in March 2026 should TASO’s funding not be extended.


Responses to this invitation to tender should include accurate pricing, inclusive of expenses, and provide a detailed breakdown by project requirements and number of days allocated to each team member. Please note that assessment of responses to this tender invitation will be on perceived quality of service and demonstrable ability to meet the brief, rather than the lowest cost, however, value for money is a selection criterion. We invite all bidders to put forward their most cost efficient proposals.


How to apply

If you have any questions regarding the open call, please get in touch over email via

Application assessment

Your application will be assessed by the TASO Research and Evaluation team. The strength of applications will be assessed on the below criteria (please note the weighting of each section):

Additional guidance