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News12 July 2022

TASO is inviting students to be part of a Student Advisory Panel

Panel will support a project that aims to help Higher Education Providers identify and make use of effective practice to support student mental health

TASO is inviting applications from students interested in supporting a project that aims to help Higher Education Providers identify and make use of effective practice to support student mental health.

The role of the panel is to:

There may be further opportunities, such as guiding future activity, as the project develops.

The panel will meet 3 – 5 times over the course of the project which ends in September 2023. Meetings will be held at TASO’s office in the Evidence Quarter, Petty France, London. We will fund reasonable travel costs and lunch is included as part of the day.

We are looking for current students in any year of study, or students who have left higher education within the last two years. It would be valuable to have students with lived experience of mental health issues and/or of using mental health services whilst in higher education, but this is not essential. We are also looking for students who are passionate about this type of work, and/or who have studied a relevant subject, such as Psychology.

How to apply

Individuals wishing to join the Student Advisory Panel should submit their application form by midday on Friday 19th August 2022 to

Further details about the role and the application form can be found here.