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News8 January 2025

Upcoming invitation to tender: register your interest

TASO will soon be inviting applications from higher education providers for the evaluation of interventions designed to support student success and narrow equality gaps.

While great strides have been made in narrowing equality gaps in access to higher education, more needs to be done to ensure that these students succeed, once they are in higher education. 

Currently, there are gaps in continuation and completion rates and attainment related to socio-economic disadvantage, ethnicity, disability and age. Higher education providers offer a range of interventions to address these issues and as a sector, we need to identify which interventions are most effective.

At TASO, as we continue to support the sector to conduct robust evaluation, we are launching a new project to evaluate student success programmes and inviting higher education providers to collaborate with us. 

Evaluation is critical to understanding if and how our interventions are having the desired impact. We want higher education providers to continue with strategies that work to support student success – and identify those that don’t work – so that, as a sector, we can focus resources and funds effectively. We also want to gather evidence that will help us understand what makes certain interventions effective, and how they are implemented, so other providers can learn from these findings.

Types of evaluation

TASO will appoint providers to work with an independent evaluator to test the impact of their student success activities. We will use methods that can establish a causal relationship between an intervention and outcomes using either randomised controlled trials (RCTs) or quasi-experimental designs (QEDs). QEDs rely on naturally occurring or constructed treatment and comparator groups rather than by random assignment.

Each impact evaluation will be accompanied by an implementation and process evaluation which will use quantitative and qualitative data to determine who the intervention works for, in what situations it works and why it works (or doesn’t).

Types of intervention

The exact interventions to be evaluated and the appropriate evaluation methodology will be decided via an open commissioning process. TASO will select partner providers based on factors including feasibility of the intervention for testing, how widespread/scalable the approach is, and the availability of data for evaluation. 

Suitable interventions include but are not limited to:

Possible outcome data could include attainment, continuation, progression, engagement, academic self-efficacy, or belonging.

Application process

The invitation to tender will open in February 2025 and follow a two-stage process.

Stage one: 3 February–28 February 2025 

This is a light touch application form where we will gather sufficient details about your student success programme to determine the feasibility of evaluating the intervention using causal quantitative methods

Stage two: 10 March–28 March 2025

Based on the data gathered from the first stage we will invite a more detailed application from those providers who have put forward interventions we deem most suitable for evaluation with RCTs or QEDs.

Who should apply?

When will the project take place?

Register your interest: Evaluations of interventions designed to support student success

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