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News19 November 2020

Evidence on improving disadvantaged student outcomes in HE severely lacking

There is a severe lack of robust evidence on how to improve the retention and attainment of students from disadvantaged and underrepresented backgrounds in higher education, according to TASO’s new report out today.
The report – based on a review conducted by the Bridge Group and Coventry University – also finds scant evidence for the best ways to narrow deep rooted inequalities in universities and colleges relating to race and socio-economic status.

Dr Omar Khan, Director of TASO said:

“When it comes to eliminating equality gaps in higher education, getting more disadvantaged and underrepresented students into university is only half the battle. If we are serious about improving social mobility, then more attention needs to be placed on developing effective ways to help these students succeed in their studies.
TASO is helping the sector close these gaps by conducting research on breaking down barriers for mature students, promising approaches to reducing racial equality gaps, and exploring ways to evaluate the effectiveness of remote and online teaching.”
The report makes several recommendations aimed at helping the higher education sector improve the situation, including: TASO will upskill the sector to develop sustainable evaluation approaches, best-practice research methods and facilitate cross-institutional knowledge sharing. The Bridge Group and Coventry University review, which informed this report, aimed to uncover the strength of evidence for interventions higher education providers might use to reduce inequality gaps. While there are strong positive associations between student engagement in several types of activities and improved outcomes, very few existing studies find a causal link. The review focused on four outcome areas: attainment, retention, wellbeing, and employment. It incorporated 157 sources from both published literature and a call for evidence, undertaken by TASO in summer 2019. Report’s recommendations: Download the summary report: Understanding the impact of interventions to address inequality in the student experience  For media enquiries contact:  Zoe Arthur, TASO Communications Manager | 07784388030