We are pleased to announce that we are seeking to appoint independent evaluators to work with us on four exciting new projects.
Read about the projects and how you can get involved below.
Institutional data use
Working with a number of higher education providers to participate in a project to use institutional data to support better evaluation of the student experience.
Tackling the ethnicity degree awarding gap
Supporting six higher education providers to develop Theories of Change (ToCs) and evaluation plans for interventions aimed at addressing the ethnicity degree awarding gap. TASO will publish these ToCs as prototypes for the sector to use.
Supporting disabled students
Strand one: Undertaking a sector engagement exercise to investigate how widely and well reasonable adjustments for disabled students are currently used in higher education.
Strand two: Working number of higher education providers to design an evidence-based intervention to improve the transition of disabled students into higher education.
Knowledge mobilisation
Running a new research project focused on better understanding the barriers higher education providers face in developing Type 3 evidence and the associated evaluation methods – including quasi-experimental methods and randomised controlled trials (RCTs).
Find out more and apply for the invitations to tender (ITTs)
The deadline for applications is Friday 4 August 2023 5pm.