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21 April 2021
Zoom Webinar10:00-16:30

Evidence and evaluation conference – Day 1 – 21 April

Join us online for our first annual evidence and evaluation conference on Wednesday 21 and Thursday 22 April.

The conference will bring together representatives from the higher education sector to learn more about robust evidence and best-practice evaluation for widening participation and student success.

TASO will launch new evidence and host a range of high-profile speakers to help the sector understand the importance of evidence-informed policy and practice.

Our first day focuses on the evidence landscape for improving equality gaps in higher education. See more details in the agenda below.

Our second day will consist of more practical sessions on best-practice evaluation. Find out more about the second day. Do not forget: you have to register separately for our Day 2 sessions.

Both days are free to attend

Register to attend: Day 1 – 21 April 2021 

Who should attend?