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Report | Typology of attainment-raising activities conducted by HEPs: Rapid Evidence Review

This report is a review of the evidence on interventions and activities carried out by higher education providers to raise the attainment of school-age students.
Attainment raising

17 June 2022


Evidence shows that academic achievement is the most important predictor of university progression. Yet there are persistent equality gaps in GCSE attainment. In February 2022, the Office for Students called for universities and other higher education providers to do more to raise the academic attainment of school students through widening participation activities.

This report provides a review of the literature on interventions and activities carried out by higher education providers to raise the attainment of school-age students. It looked to understand:

This report provides a brief outline of the literature (including UK-based and international studies) and sets out a typology of different interventions, assessing the strength and limitations of the evidence base. It is designed to collate what we currently know about what works to improve attainment among school-age students, current gaps in the evidence base (which are fairly substantial), and TASO’s recommendations for building the evidence-base going forward. 

Read the report

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