We are pleased to announce that TASO has launched invitations to tender (ITTs) for three new projects on institutional data use, supporting disabled students and addressing the ethnicity degree awarding gap.
Read about the projects and how you can get involved below.
Invitation to tender – institutional data use
TASO is inviting higher education (HE) providers to participate in a project involving the use of institutional data to support better evaluation of the student experience.
Successful providers will contribute towards mapping the activities and outcomes for post-entry work and a practical guide to how data infrastructure can be used within and across HE providers to enable tracking and evaluation of these activities and outcomes. They will also contribute to a flagship evaluation study demonstrating ways to use HE provider data to develop Type 2 and Type 3 evidence.
Find out more and apply
Invitation to tender – supporting disabled students
TASO is calling for HE providers to work with us on a project to design an evidence-based intervention to improve the transition of disabled students into HE and map the barriers and opportunities around using data to evaluate the support students receive.
This is an opportunity for providers to develop a blueprint for a model of evidence-based transitions support which offers potential for adaptation, implementation and evaluation across the HE sector to provide more consistent support for disabled students. They will also map the barriers and opportunities around using data to evaluate the support disabled students receive.
Find out more and apply
Invitation to tender – addressing the ethnicity degree awarding gap
TASO is offering to match HE providers with members of our Panel of Evaluators to develop Theories of Change (ToCs) for interventions aimed at addressing the ethnicity degree awarding gap.
This is an opportunity for providers to build internal evaluation expertise specifically in relation to designing high-quality ToCs, and contribute towards TASO’s ambition to support better evaluation of interventions aimed at addressing the ethnicity degree awarding gap.
Find out more and apply
We are looking to appoint independent evaluators to four new projects, including the three listed above. Further information and details on how to apply can be found here.