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27 June 2024
Online: Zoom11:00-12:30

Launch: Supporting disabled students’ transitions

Join us for an online event where we will launch our blueprint for supporting disabled students’ transitions.

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Join us for an online event where we will launch our blueprint for supporting disabled students’ transitions. The blueprint is an evidence-informed map of sub-interventions, activities, and outcomes, designed to aid the planning, development, and implementation of successful transition support for disabled students moving into higher education.

During this event, TASO and partners will run you through the project, the wider context of why the blueprint was created and how you can implement it into your work.

The event will take the following format:

Who should attend?

The event is open to anyone interested, however, is particularly relevant to:

Date and time: Thursday 27 June 11:00–12:30
Location: Webinar (Online)