How we rate evidence in the student mental health toolkit
Order by:
Impact on mental health
Small positive impact
Impact on student outcomes
More evidence needed
Strength of evidence
Strong evidence
Impact on mental health
Mixed impact
Impact on student outcomes
More evidence needed
Strength of evidence
Emerging evidence
Impact on mental health
Mixed impact
Impact on student outcomes
More evidence needed
Strength of evidence
Emerging evidence
Impact on mental health
Mixed impact
Impact on student outcomes
More evidence needed
Strength of evidence
Weak evidence
Impact on mental health
Mixed impact
Impact on student outcomes
More evidence needed
Strength of evidence
Weak evidence
Impact on mental health
Mixed impact
Impact on student outcomes
More evidence needed
Strength of evidence
Weak evidence
Impact on mental health
More evidence needed
Impact on student outcomes
More evidence needed
Strength of evidence
Weak evidence
Impact on mental health
More evidence needed
Impact on student outcomes
More evidence needed
Strength of evidence
Weak evidence
Impact on mental health
More evidence needed
Impact on student outcomes
More evidence needed
Strength of evidence
Weak evidence
Impact on mental health
More evidence needed
Impact on student outcomes
More evidence needed
Strength of evidence
Weak evidence